BMI neighborhood outreach Donate Now

  • Created: 1544 day(s) ago|
  • Community
We're flagging off a neighborhood outreach, which would entail door to door visitations to young men in their homes. Our objective is to teach them about consent and how to treat women with respect. We would be engaging 2 L.G.As for a start, they are Oshodi-Isolo L.G.A in Lagos & Akinyele L.G.A in Oyo state. The dates for the outreaches are Oct 31 & Nov 7 respectively. Our objective is to reach 2,000 young men with this outreach (1,000 in each LGA). We would be gifting each young man a copy of the CONSENT 101 book in the course of the outreach. The book would serve as a guide book long after we've left. This outreach would cost us 2million to execute (This funds would cover the cost of the books to be distributed as well as logistics required to execute). We need your help for this to succeed through your donations and or volunteering. An end to Rape Culture is possible. #EndRapeCulture #BetterMenInitiative

Olanrewaju Ojo

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